Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Refleksi Minggu ke-7

Alhamdulillah... for 7th week of lesson, we are taught to develop :

  • an on-line questionnaire
  • a forum page

On-line Questionnaire

For on-line questionnaire, we need to create :
  1. MySQL database : questionnaire
  2. questionnaire.php (as a form of questions)
  3. analysis.php (to view the analysis of result answered)

MySQL database : questionnaire

  1. Using existing database : dataphp
  2. Create a new table : questionnaire as shown above
  3. Setup id as auto increment and primary key


  1. Type the instruction of questionnaire
  2. Insert form
  3. Type the questions in the form
  4. Insert Form > Radio Group (for option question)
  5. Fill up the radio group setting as below :
  6. Insert Form > textfield (for filling up question type)
  7. The questionnaire will be like this:
  8. For Likert Scale questionnaire, we are suggested inserting a table to make it proper separately.
  9. Insert radio group for each questions.
    • Insert > Form > Radio Group
    • Fill up the Radio Group Setting
    • Then, drag the radio button into the table
    • After that, continue for the question 5 (b5) and 6 (b6) with the same steps.
  10. For 'choose than one' question type.
  11. We have to insert checkbox group
    • Insert > Form > Checkbox Group
    • Fill up the checkbox group setting
    • Drag each checkbox button into the table
  12. Lastly, insert submit button
  13. As usual, we have to add server behaviours :

    • Insert Record


  1. Using table to make a proper full analysis.
  2. Type the items as below
  3. Each of analysis needs a Recordset
  4. For display Total number of members :

    • Add Recordset
    • Put the cursor into the cell where we want the total number is displayed
    • Add Display Record Count > Display Total Records
  5. Use the same steps for another analysis.
  6. For analysis 'Total number of members check the box more than 5 boxes' we need advanced SQL setting as below:

  7. The analysis.php displays as shown as below :

Forum Page

For forum page, we need to create :

  1. MySQL database : forum
  2. forum.php (main page of forum)

MySQL database : forum

  1. Using existing database : dataphp
  2. Create a new table : forum as shown above
  3. Setup id as auto increment and primary key


  1. Insert form
  2. Insert table for the proper display
  3. Insert form > textfield and text area as shown as below :
  4. Insert button 'Send Comment'
  5. Add server behaviours : Insert Record , and fill up the insert record setting as shown as below , after inserting, users are linked to the forum.php back.
  6. To display the comments from others, we need to insert another table outside of the form.

  7. Add Server behaviors : Recordset
  8. Drag Recordset1:name and Recordset1:post into the table.

Reflection :

Hopefully from the tutorial above, we could develop another page of dynamic website as robust as we could.

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